Wiegand Extender IO

  • Model: WG-Extender-II
  • Brand: JINYING
  • Parameters
  • Dimensions
  • Diagram
Due to the limitation of the Wiegand signal, the transmission distance is about 20-80 meters. This product converts the Wiegand signal to R485 and then restores the signal to the Wiegand signal at the controller end,item can identifying the Wiegand signal automatically , and supports wg26 to wg80 Wigan signal. The compact size of the product can be placed in the switch case directly.

Power Supply: 9-24V
Current: 30mA
Communication parameters: 9600, n, 8, 1
Transmission distance: 500m
Wiegand format:


Size: 46*36*18; 62*36*18(with wire terminal)

The extender comes with two bidirectional IO interfaces, which can transmit the door magnet signal, the exit button switch signal, the card reader led signal, the buzzer feedback signal and so on.

Note: The IO interface can only transmit 5V level signals.



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